At Minerva N.I. we are dedicated to ‘Setting the Standard in Asset Development’
We are a leading private security, training and risk management company specialising in offering courses covering many levels of security training as well as offering customised, tailor made specialist security services and solutions on a global basis.
Minerva N.I. hold offices in Northern Ireland, Mainland UK and Karachi Pakistan, so far. We hold planned training courses for groups of individuals and also create packages for clients on a global scale.
Courses & Services
You can read more about our courses here and view our courses calendar here. For a taster of the security services we offer, click here. We can offer much more! All services can be tailored and customised and we can create complete, bespoke solutions that are outside our list.
Find out what we can do for you, your company/assets and more – contact Minerva N.I. today!
Security Sector Consultancy & Training, Evidence and Intelligence Gathering, Protective Security and Risk Management.
Minerva NI Ltd is fully backed and supported by Invest NI and UKTI. It comprises former specialist police and military officers experienced at both strategic and specialist practitioner level in counter terrorism, protective security and risk management. We offer, at our core, bespoke consultancy and a specialist training function and are currently operating in a number of complex, sensitive and high risk environments where operational success relies on the effective integration of partner agencies, the sharing and use of intelligence, the coordination of specialist assets both covert and overt, and the implementation of risk mitigation measures to achieve successful interdiction and diminution of the terrorist threat.
We have significant credibility in the provision of security consultancy for the management of physical, personnel and information security at the highest levels in both public and private sectors. We provide training needs analysis and training for all intelligence related subjects including the development of counter terrorism strategy, command & control, interoperability, intelligence gathering, development, analysis, assessment and the management of risks in order to guide and prioritise activities and the efficient use resources. We provide a comprehensive co-ordinated and strategic system that is designed through understanding to produce and offer a ‘full capability solution’
All consultancy and training draws on our genuine experience and incorporates best practice as defined by the UK’s National Police Improvement Agency, (NPIA), and the intelligence training is delivered using the UK’s National Intelligence Model (NIM).
Effective integration and the secure sharing of intelligence between organisations and, where appropriate, between sectors, are prime challenges for success against 21st Century Global Crime and Security threats. Creating an effective intelligence capability involves developing Knowledge, System, Source and People assets to drive successful strategy. Minerva N.I. can help develop these capabilities, enabling client organisations to achieve their mission goals.
Minerva fully recognises that there is no “one size fits all solution” as the needs of every organisation and the environments in which they operate differ. Our approach to consultancy and training is designed to fully understanding and appreciate all needs and to achieve truly successful client outcomes.
Minerva can develop bespoke training, supply mentors and subject matter experts, (SME’s) for all Intelligence and Law Enforcement related subjects including Command & Control, Counter Terrorism, Protective Security, (including effective overt or covert Close Protection), Financial Investigation, Forensic Intelligence, Computer Forensics, Major Incident Analysis, Problem Solving, Technical Source Skills, Open Source Intelligence and the application and operation of Commercial Intelligence Analysis Products.