Close Protection & Security Training

Training Courses Security

Gain high level skills and qualifications in a range of security criteria including Close Protection.


Training Courses Security

  • Close Protection Highfield accredited – Close Protection for Royal and diplomatic protection. Pre-read material along with 2 written assignments followed by theory and scenario based practical’s cumulating in a final exercise and multiple choice exam. We also provide a 24-hour Refresher course for those who have already completed a recognised course from the military or police.
  • CCTV (Public Space Surveillance) – Close Circuit Television Monitoring Training. Observation skills play a paramount role in security. Competency in surveillance allows you to put your more ‘hands-on’ training skills into practice correctly, safely and using well thought out tactics.
  • Door Supervision.
  • Office/Workplace and Residence Security – 3 day course.
  • Physical Intervention – Officer Safety.
  • Security Guarding – Mobile Security Training for Premise, including: airports, seaports & government buildings.
  • Covert/overt Photography.
  • Covert Rural & Urban Observation training.
  • Surveillance & Under Cover Officer Training – Our 5 day Surveillance course takes in covert photography, foot and vehicle techniques and best practice evidence for presenting to court, Counter and anti-surveillance, electronic and technical methods. Advanced Surveillance techniques covers the use of technical and electronic equipment.
  • Appropriate & applicable use of Covert Technical Equipment.
  • Evidence Gathering.
  • Covert / overt Photography.

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